
July 29, 2011

Color Wiki: Mac OS X Lion Color Management Migration Tool

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 5:21 pm

Mac OSX Lion update: Here’s a site, ColorWiki, that give a good list of Color Management software, with what runs, what doesn’t and what you need to update, in some cases, to get bach in business under Lion.  The issue, really, seems to be Apple dropping “Rosetta” support, which eliminates any program that is not compatible with the Intel system.  Take a look, here’s the introduction:

This page contains a reference table to aid in the migration to Apple’s OS X Lion (10.7) system software.

OS X Lion does not include the “Rosetta” technology that emulates the PowerPC (PPC) processor. Without Rosetta, any Mac OS X applications which only have PPC code will not run!

To determine if an application is PPC only try one of these methods:

  • Find the application on your hard disk and “Get Info” (command-I)
  • Run the application and then open the Activity Monitor to see the application type.

To view all the apps on your system for PowerPC software, try this:

  1. Click the Apple in the upper left corner,
  2. Select “About this Mac” and “More Info”
  3. Under Contents, open the Software list and choose “Applications”
  4. The “Kind” column lists whether the ap is PowerPC, Classic, Intel or Universal.

Many common Color Management tools and utilities are PPC only and will not be available to users running OS X Lion. X-Rite, CHROMiX and other companies offer tools that have been updated to run on Lion and will perform many similar tasks as the older PPC software you may be accustomed to using. Please refer to the following table to determine if there are alternatives for your tools and needs. Also, if you have an application or need that does not appear in this list, please let us know and we’ll do our best to add it to this reference tool.

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